Engaging Men: It’s Up to You

“We have a big problem, and we need your help … It’s called sexual assault and it has to stop.” “If she doesn’t consent, or if she can’t consent, it’s rape, it’s assault.” These statements are from the most recent PSA from the Obama Administration’s campaign, 1 is 2 Many, addressing violence against women. It will only take 60 […]

Where we Are and What We Need

Dedicated readers, happy International Women’s Day!! In the wake of One Billion Rising and President Obama signing into law the Violence Against Women Act, there is much to celebrate this year. (For a short history on International Women’s Day, click here.) This morning, I followed my normal routine: I woke up, made coffee, and curled […]

Tomorrow, We Rise!

For months, I have been waiting with cautious elation, and dance-ready feet, for the opportunity to rise, dance, sing, and move in solidarity with our sisters around the world. The 15-year anniversary of Eve Ensler’s movement, V-Day, will be celebrated with an event you have likely heard of: One Billion Rising. What is its message? To […]